Alright, 2013 has not been a fun year so far health-wise. The latest malady has been a five day long tension headache in my right temple that started during a run on Wednesday and has been coming and going the entire time. It started to show some signs of weakening today, but was generally pretty unpleasant for most of the last few days. It is making it a little hard to write at the moment, and certainly kept me from working on things during the past week, but I’m sure I have some things to cover now.
Is it bad that I’m looking forward to the end of my English class simply so I can speak more freely about it (I’ll give you a hint, it’s not bad for me). I put up a little over eleven hundred more words this week, and I promise that all the research I did Saturday on suicide was for the essay I was writing. We had to pick a critical thinking topic and write a letter about it, and I picked the topic “Whether we should make the Golden Gate Bridge Suicide-Proof.” Long story short, after examining the pros and cons, I maintained my original evaluation that there is no such thing as “Suicide-proof” and that the problem needs to be addressed at the social level more than the structural one.
Oh, right, Hallmark . . . er, Valentine’s day was Thursday. Jess and I took it off this year, although we did go out for late night milkshakes after the Pepperoni Pizza Burgers tried to do us in. While not directly related, we did have a date day on Sunday, going down to Newport Beach, then to Downtown Disney, and finally dinner at Chevy’s in Burbank. Quick aside, apparently a ton of people were using Saturday as a make-up Valentine’s day, we kept hearing about all these places that were swamped. Despite wanting Chevy’s salsa and corn cake, Jess was almost denied as when we arrived we were told there would be a 45 minute wait, a party of eighty (that’s right, 80) was showing up at any minute. I originally didn’t want to wait that long, but after visiting one of the few remaining Barnes and Nobles next door and then fortifying ourselves with the brownie I had gotten from a bakery earlier, we went back in to wait the final twenty minutes. The party hadn’t shown up yet and the new greeter sat us immediately. The party started arriving right after they took our order, it wound up being the Saugus cheer and/or dance team. They had their own area set up, so it didn’t really bother us, but we did get to see an endless parade of sparkles and bedazzling head past us for about half an hour.
So outside of a nice couple hour visit with my parents on Friday night so Jess could pick up something for one of her projects, a long run on Saturday night and a busy day Sunday, I curtailed my activities for the rest of the week trying to get rid of the headache that was plaguing me. Like I said before, it’s starting to ease a bit, but this easily holds the record for longest headache I’ve ever had. Hopefully all will return to normal for next week.
Weight: 229 Loss: 1 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 96.2 miles (+18 miles) Last year-to-date: 23.2 miles – Words-to-date: 11512 (+1703)