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My Disneyland Rut…

On the plane back from Florida, I started thinking… I had put hours upon hours of research into Disney World, where to eat, what to do, what to see. I shared interesting trivia and facts with Matt when I stumbled upon something. I found blog after blog dedicated to Disney World. When we were there I was exploring, we took time to look around, take pictures with characters and see what there was. Then I realized, I have never given this level attention to Disneyland. I’m in a Disneyland Rut!!

I have been a season pass holder for so long I have taken the Magic of Disneyland for granted! That’s not to say I didn’t thoroughly enjoy myself almost every time I have gone, or absolutely melt into the magic of fairies when my honorary niece saw Tinkerbelle fly. But overall, I’m in a rut. I stopped exploring, I knew what I liked, where to go and how to distribute my time. I lost my attention to detail and stopped looking around me.

Well, that’s going to change! Matt renewed his pass (because he loves me) back in June and I decided that, starting from that point, I am going to spend the next year rediscovering Disneyland! Every trip I take I’m going to try to do, see, or eat something I never have before. This can be in California Adventure, Disneyland, Downtown Disney, or even the hotels if possible.  Then I’m going to blog about each new experience.

I have already been a couple times since making this resolution. Here are the new experiences I have had so far….

World of Color…

This is a little unfair since we went the week after it debuted and it was new to everyone but still…

The show is AMAZING. The effects that they can do are incredible visually and impressive from the technology and skill is takes to pull them off.  I even heard Matt say “Whoa…” a couple of times, he’s hard to impress too!

It is a little on the dark side, more so than Fantasmic. At one point during the Lion King sequence I started to tear up like a total dork. . . but if you see it, you’ll understand. Even though the middle is dark, the show itself is beautiful, absolutely beautiful to watch.

They needed to work on the crowd control but it was the first week. I think the FastPass system will work well once the kinks are worked out, they very well may be by now. The show is absolutely a Must-See.

 Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln…

Matt and I went down for a Disney Date before our passes we blocked for summer. We were originally going to eat at Café Orleans but they close early for Fantasmic. We decided to go to Great Moments… I’m sure that my parents took me on this before, many times, but it had been so long and I think refurbished that it was new to me. The same for Matt, I was happy for him to see it given his appreciation for American History.

I honestly enjoyed the movie portion more so than anything else. It was well done and moving, particular the song. The animatronic portion was impressive, particularly Lincoln standing up and his facial expressions. I swear I saw him swallow at one point! Unfortunately, this put him in right in the “uncanny valley”. I wasn’t able to really enjoy the speech because I was a little creeped out…

My next “Disneyland first” was probably the craziest one I’ll have… the first ever (annual?) D23 Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt…!! It. Was. Insane.

But so much FUN!

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