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Recipe #21: Chipotle and Lime Roasted Potatoes

I made this last week for our Bible Study. The second Tuesday is our monthly “hang out night” where the focus is more on fellowship than study. As the weather turned unseasonably warm last week, we had discussed moving outside to sit around the fire pit and perhaps turn on the BBQ. I decided to bring this since it seemed like a good BBQ dish to share…

Chipotle and Lime Roasted Potatoes

2 pounds Small New Potatoes
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ teaspoons Kosher Salt
1 whole Chipotle Pepper Packed In Adobo Sauce, minced
2 teaspoons Adobo Sauce
1 clove Garlic, minced or grated
1 Tablespoon Grated Lime Zest
1 Tablespoon Fresh Lime Juice
2 teaspoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Fresh Chopped Cilantro

First things first. Get the potatoes washed, cut, and toss them in 1 Tbls of olive oil and a large pinch of salt. Then throw them into the preheated 400* oven as quickly as possible (because you decided to do this last minute, got home from the store at 6:30 and have to be at Bible Study at 7:30…)

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Roast until fork-tender (about 30 minutes), stirring once to keep them from sticking… while that’s going on, time to make the dressing…

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In a (larger than this) bowl, combine the minced Chipotle Pepper (I used 2), Adobo Sauce, Garlic, Lime Zest, Lime Juice, and Olive Oil. Now, I love adobo sauce. I have ever since Matt and I had these quesadillas in Vegas with chicken, adobo sauce, and manchego cheese. It has this wonderful rich smokiness to it. So I might have added a extra teaspoon..or 3… Wisk all that together. I can’t help but think that this would also make an awesome marinade…

Once your potatoes are done, take them out of the oven and put them in a large bowl. Preferably the same large bowl you made the dressing in, but let’s say you didn’t think about that and so you put them in a large bowl and then poured the dressing over them.

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Regardless if your dressing was under the potatoes or poured over top, toss them together so everything is covered.


Throw in some cilantro and toss again to mix that in and you’re done!

“You are doing something near the black box that gives lunch meat, that means it must be relevant to my interests.” -Gatsby the cat

These were really nice for our little BBQ or even for just a nice side dish. Nice and smoky from the adobo, a little tangy from the limes. The heat varied a little from bite to bite, depending on how much chipotle ended up on that particular potato, but it was never overwhelming. I love roasted potatoes in general as a side dish any time of year, but this is a nice variation.

“You say I don’t want any, but I don’t believe you…”

And yes, my cat thinks he’s a meerkat

Posted in 100 New Recipes, Jess General, Uncategorized. Tagged with , , , , , , .

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