You know, I really should have taken advantage of this more than four times this year. Sure, you could probably peg a lot of my posts as random, but at least these posts have an excuse.
Is it just me, or is Santa being more of a jerk in commercials this year? Are they trying to make him more edgy? Okay, in the second one he’s more driving like a maniac than jerky, but still, weird.
I haven’t run in a couple weeks, and I’m feeling really guilty. I just haven’t been able to find time or get motivated in the wet and cold we’ve had recently. I need to get going again (will definitely try over break) as the LA Marathon is less than three months away (yikes).
Not to turn this into an all Youtube post, but I really enjoyed this story on the Canadian Maple Syrup Heist:
Got word today (after a rumor yesterday) that instead of making everyone come in for four hours on Christmas Eve (Monday) before starting their vacation, the outgoing Chancellor has authorized all the campuses to shut down for the day. One popular theory is that it is his parting gift to us, which, if that’s the case, thanks and see ya! If not, well, thanks anyway! Looking forward to vacation.
I am also woefully behind on my social obligations, so those of you I haven’t called or visited recently, I apologize. I’d do it now, but it’s almost midnight and I’m pretty sure the vast majority of you wouldn’t appreciate that. Add that to the list of things I feel guilty about.
I tried to post my grades tonight, but the system wouldn’t let me through. Have to try again tomorrow, because I really want that off my chest (and they’re due soon).
Anyhow, that’s enough randomness for now. Hope everything is going well for you all!
Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 360.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1
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