Huh, this wasn’t a topic I was originally planning to revisit. The first (and only) time I posted under this heading was way back on Day 19. Although back then I was sad for more specific, personal reasons. Right now, however, I just feel sad.
I’m pretty sure the majority of it can be traced back to all the news coming out of Connecticut. Just a truly tragic situation that would make anyone hearing about it not feel too cheery. The generally dreary weather this week (although I have enjoyed the brief periods of rain) adds another layer. Finally I think that hitting the end of the semester and having to wrap everything up is a bit more draining than the usual. The greatest amount of exertion is usually right before you finish the race. The schedule is still busy with regular work, school, and extra-curricular activities, and adding Christmas activities on top . . . well, it’s a normal December I guess.
The melancholy should break soon enough (I also think a running drought isn’t helping either), but it’s currently making it difficult to blog since the desire isn’t really there. Praying for hope and peace in the world, as well as love and joy. Nothing more to do than to get some rest and try for a better day tomorrow.
Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 360.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1
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