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2012-366 Day 166 – Pictures IV

Matt use too many words yesterday, use fallback of pictures now.

First a wedding behind the scenes photo from the last weekend. The guys at my wedding had to get to the venue extremely early and ready to go, so we played poker. The guys had some time to kill at the hotel before heading over to the venue at this wedding, so I went down to the gift shop and improvised.

Speaking of Keith and Cathy, I was behind this car at a light and for some reason the license plate and frame reminded me of Cathy. I wonder what it could be?

And speaking of being on the road (look at me, I’m a segue machine!), Jess and I found a disused 76 ball in storage by Chik-fil-a. Can I have it?

No good segue here, but I find it weird and amazing whenever I see someone I went to school with in national ad campaigns. Allyson Felix is an Olympic runner with several medals already and a good shot at several more in the upcoming London Olympics. I was a senior when she was in the 8th grade at L.A.B. (R.I.P. L.A.B.) and it was pretty apparent how special she was then, especially since she was training with the varsity track team. You’ll see her in ads for Nike (and I think Gatorade), and I saw this one in Walgreens.

And in CVS I saw this lovely Olympic-themed display. (Yes! Back on the segue train!)

Finally saw this ad at the Hallmark store yesterday. Am I the only one that sees the irony in using one of the world’s most famous orphans to advertise for Father’s Day? (Although I do agree with the sentiment.)

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 177.5 miles
Fitocracy Level: 21 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , , .

2 Responses

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  1. m said

    Pictures not fallback! Pictures illustrative. Add layers of meaning to words.

Continuing the Discussion

  1. 2012-366 Day 180 – Dead Heat – Only Two People Blog linked to this post on June 28, 2012

    […] No, that’s not the title of my latest suspense novel (or Richard Castle’s for that matter, although I imagine it soon will be), but the technical term for a tie in the world of track and field. Why bring that up? Well, if you’ve been following the U.S. Olympic trials recently (c’mon, surely you have?), you may have noticed that the third member of the Women’s 100 meter sprint team has yet to be decided, because the third place finisher could not be determined. Jess and I were actually watching live (well, time-shifted live) when it happened to cheer on Allyson Felix (did I mention we went to school with her? Oh yeah, I did, here). […]

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