Woo, 100 posts! I’d like to take a few hundred words and reflect on what I’ve learned so far from this experience and, as usual, there’s not much you can do to stop me. I suppose you could always not read it, but if you decided to take that route you’re probably not reading this paragraph either.
I’m still not certain what I was thinking when I made the resolution to write everyday at the dawn of the New Year, and whether it’s been easier or harder than I expected. I knew ahead of time that finding something to write on for 366 days was going to be a challenge, but I’m not certain I was prepared for how soon that uncertainty became a reality. That being said, I’ve found it interesting how often some of these posts expand to a lot more than what I was anticipating. A prime example is the recent vacation recap I did; I had originally planned on doing a few hundred words wrapping everything up. I had thought I had covered most everything in the food section, but I was over 2000 words before I knew it. It was that sensation which I was looking to recapture when I started this project, sitting at the keyboard and having the words tumble out at a pace that is nearly too quick to keep up with. Having gotten to experience that feeling again (which I probably last felt in college) has already made writing everyday (even those that I didn’t want to) well worth it.
I will admit that hitting the triple digits is quite heartening and, while I will spend more time in the triple digits than I did in a double, it feels like a significant accomplishment in this project. I really appreciate all of you who are still checking out the entries, whether you’ve read every one or just check in from time to time. I hope that the little glimpse you’ve gotten into my understanding of the world has been, at the very least, somewhat interesting. While I maintain that I keep doing this mainly for myself, I certainly would be happiest if someone else got some enjoyment out of these posts too.
Thank you again for reading. Here’s to the triple digits, may we keep going strong!
Weight: 232.2 Loss: 7.8 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 86.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 17 (34563 points, 287 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: L, 6-9 (Record: 1-4) Next Game: 4/15 – 5:50 pm
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