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2012-366 Day 85 – Weekend Wrap Up I

Welcome to the first installment of the WWU (Weekend Wrap Up), where we look back on the week’s posts and add any updates or further thoughts. Expect them mostly on Saturdays for the time being, but when we’re out of season for sports (or like today, when I have the bye or a rain out) they may sneak over to Sunday.

Sunday (3/18) – Soccer Game 4: As mentioned, today’s games were rained out, although we had the bye anyway so it won’t affect our games. As far as I can tell the games were just cancelled, so the schedule will remain the same from here on out, but we’ll see if they announce otherwise. We’ll also see how they deal with the standings if six teams have less games than the other two. The next game on the schedule is next Sunday at 5pm.

Monday (3/19) – Watching Paint Dry: With the paint dried and the new couches in, our living room has really come together. That came in really handy this weekend, as we spent Saturday and Sunday in and were able to really enjoy them both.

Tuesday (3/20) – Fantasy Baseball: Wishing the season would start, spending a lot of time second guessing myself at the moment. We’ve already had our first trade vetoed (I wasn’t involved in the trade) and everyone’s kind of chomping at the bit. My team seems a bit dinged up, although I may have lost my first significant draft pick to significant injury (the second pitcher I picked), which is frustrating. Until the season starts, however, it’s a lot of hurry up and wait.

Wednesday (3/21) – Rave Reviews: I got some good feedback on this one, although a few have come in over the last couple days that I wish I had before. Maybe there will be a sequel of sorts in the future, I’ll just have to figure out a new framing device (don’t worry, it won’t be terribly soon).

Thursday (3/22) – Home Improvement II: The cat has gotten over it. He’s a big fan of the couches now.

Friday (3/23) – Food Trucks: We did enjoy the food trucks on Friday night (a bit too much as usual). Had the gunslinger again, which was excellent as usual. Also had a hot sausage link from a BBQ truck (The Q Spot), which was good and spicy with an excellent Texas style BBQ sauce. Had half an empanada and some chimichurri fries from an Argentine truck as well. Ate a lot of good food, got a bit of exercise walking around, and had a good time.

Saturday (3/24) – Curses: Tying this back more to the NCAA bracket topic, turns out that, while my bracket as a whole may have stunk, I did a pretty good job on the Final Four. I netted (heh) three of the four teams (Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio State) and my championship game pairing (Kentucky vs Ohio State) is still in play. At least it was until I typed that. Curses!

Jess says that since this was originally supposed to be our marriage blog, before I hijacked it for my New Year’s project, that I need to do more marriage related things. I’ll keep an eye out for situations like tonight that I can relate and not get in too much trouble (I’m doubly clear since she told me to talk about it). Long story short, when two people who love each other very much have non-complimentary effects to having low blood sugar, you can’t both wait too long to decide about dinner. I get very cranky when my blood sugar is low (another blog terms it LBSCBD – Low Blood Sugar Cranky Butt Disorder), while Jess finds it hard to make decisions. We work through it (not well, but we have to come to a decision eventually), but obviously it would be a lot better if we didn’t allow the situation to arise in the first place. A lazy Sunday does not always allow for such preparations though, so remembering to apologize afterward goes a long way . . .

Weight: 232.2 Loss: 7.8 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 72.2 miles
Fitocracy Level: 16 (30015 points, 3665/4000 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: W, 10-4 (Record: 1-3) Next Game: Bye – 3/25, 4/1 – 5 pm

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , , .

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