Definitely having mixed feelings about the mandatory vacation coming to an end. Turns out at this stage of my life, my natural bio-rhythm I default to on vacation gives me a sleep cycle around 2am to 10 am (which doesn’t look much like my day-to-day cycle of 12am to 7am, hopefully soon to be 11pm to 6am with running). The structure of work definitely helps better balance my days (pretty obvious, since I haven’t been to the gym or running in the past week until today, at least for the running part). And while my normal job begins again tomorrow, I get a break from the second teaching job until the end of the month (though I am blessed to have my teaching job in this economic climate, and very fortunate to have my class again next semester since it barely cleared the budget, even if it is at 8 am :).
All that said, it was very nice to have a little downtime after all the holiday insanity, and it was nice to see everyone during the holiday insanity. Getting the sleep schedule righted will make tomorrow a bit of a pain, but going back to regularly scheduled programming does sound good. Who knows, maybe it will unearth some interesting things to write about. . .
Yearly Mileage: 2 (2)
Current Belt: White – Next Belt: Purple – Next Test Date: 1/7/12
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Eight. Hours. Minimum. Every. Day.
Personal Guarantee: You’ll feel better.
Don’t go twenty years before you find this out.
Ask me how I know.
(I promise not to write a comment for EVERY post…
I think…)
Love, Mom
hee hee
Yeah, the early morning thing didn’t work out (in that I haven’t tried it yet and it’s May).