I guess that was another benefit of writing everyday, I only really had to deal with writer’s block for a day or two at a time. Now I have to deal with week-long writer’s block. My outside writing has picked up, however, so I don’t have to rely on these posts for my complete writing output anymore. I contemplated copying all of my writing items here, but decided not to bore everyone with them, especially since some of them require some context. Suffice it to say that I added about one thousand words over an assignment and a letter, and I have two more assignments this week.
I haven’t cleaned off the phone camera in a few weeks, so we’ll start there. I know the internet can’t get enough cats, so I’ll spend a minute talking about Gatsby. OUr cat is . . . how do you say . . . special. Easily one of the most social cats I’ve ever had, he’s actually developed into something of a lap cat (if I was sitting in my normal spot right now rather than writing at the kitchen table, he’d be sitting across my forearms right now), and is the second cat I’ve ever had to play fetch on a regular basis. He’s also what I gather is called a “cave” cat; he likes to hide in boxes and stalk things from under the table. Thus, one of his favorite pastimes is to “help” us make the bed. The minute he hears us take the old sheets off, he runs in the room and jumps on the bed. We have to get the fitted sheet down quickly before he gets there, and then we just put everything else over him. He has a blast under the covers for a few minutes (and we tease him a bit), and every time we look under the blankets we get a look like this:
Decidedly shorter story for my second picture. I was in Target picking up some supplies, when Jess was going through the followup to my second January illness, and I was checking the Electronics clearance in the back of the store when I walked out through the Book section. I did a double take at what I saw next:
Please, please tell me they’re not marketing 50 Shades of Grey to kids. Thankfully the next time through a week later they had rectified their mistaken labeling.
Finally (for the pictures at least), now that I’ve been able to run on a regular basis again in February I can monitor the progress on the new turf field next the Student Rec Center. They had flattened the area last I saw, but they’ve made giant leaps and bounds since then. Last week I saw this:
I couldn’t quite determine how they were setting things up, though I was pretty sure it wasn’t a football field. Coming back this morning and looking out, things were starting to make sense:
Well, I think that’s it for this week. You have my permission to use the extra time you would have spent reading anything else I might have written for something fun.
Weight: 229 Loss: 1 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 78.2 miles (+23 miles) Last year-to-date: 23.2 miles – Words-to-date: 9809 (+1476)
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