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2012-366 Day 64 – Soccer Game 2

The growing process continues. Whereas I would had to have been perfect last week for the team to get the win, this week my mistakes were the difference between the win and loss. One bad angle, another ball that I didn’t see that snuck by on the right side, a hard shot that I deflected back to the person shooting it who scored on the rebound, and a shot that bounced off the back boards and off my sliding into the net. That said, I also made some saves I wouldn’t have last week. I feel bad subjecting the team to my learning curve, and am ready to step aside any time, but they seem to think I’m doing well enough for the moment. Practice will help, but it’s hard to get game reps with defenders and shooters to get used to watching everything on the field.

On the bright side our offense started clicking in the second half (we were down 4-1 at halftime) despite the fact that our captain had to sit out with a bum ankle, so hopefully we can carry that forward and our captain heals up soon. Also, we were up 1-0 for the first 10 minutes, just need to extend that out for the other 3/4s of the game. The extra padding I wore this week helped, I was able to go down for more shots without having to worry too much about tearing up my knees. I’m having fun, but hoping to become a bit less porous down the line. I hope the team isn’t upset with me, they’ve all been saying nice things to me so far and I don’t want to let them down.

Weight: 233.4 Max: 240 Min: 233.4 Body Fat %: 24.7
Yearly Mileage: 47.7 miles
Current Belt: Orange – Next Belt: Blue – Next Test Date: 5/12
Fitocracy Level: 14 (22729 points, 3129/3250 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: L, 7-11 (Record: 0-2) Next Game: 3/11, 9:10 pm

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