So I passed my test this morning and am now officially an Orange belt (although I won’t actually receive the belt for another week, as the higher ranks test next Saturday and then we will have a joint belt ceremony next Monday). The test seemed to go very well, though I’ll get my grade sheet with the belt and can see what areas I need to work on then. The amusing part, to me, was that over the course of the morning I actually played a part in the tests for four different ranks:
1) White to Purple: We had a white belt who was skipping Purple to Orange and, as such, was taking both the White to Purple and Purple to Orange tests at the same time. Since he was in the same group I was when presenting, my group did both the Purple and Orange belt material.
2) Purple to Orange: The test I was actually taking.
3) Orange to Blue: One of the Purple belts was skipping to Blue and had a partner who had been recently injured and couldn’t fall, so I got to be the person who attacked him and was thwarted several times.
4) Blue to Blue-Green: We have one student at the school who is around 6’4″ and I’m the only lower rank student within three inches of him, so I get to attack for him as well.
In all a fun, but tiring morning. Having made the decision to not skip a belt allowed me to focus on a narrower set of skills and I felt I did quite well, certainly better than if I had tried to cram everything in. That being said, I have the basics for the next belt down already, so the next two months could be a little long until the next test.
Of course I followed up all the excitement of the morning with running four miles in the afternoon, as I figured it was good practice for Ragnar (tiring my legs out in the morning and then running on them again later in the day). Hopefully I can stay upright for soccer tomorrow.
Weight: 233.4 Max: 240 Min: 233.4 Body Fat %: 24.7
Yearly Mileage: 47.7 miles (+4 miles)
Current Belt: Orange – Next Belt: Blue – Next Test Date: 5/12
Fitocracy Level: 14 (22392 points, 2792/3250 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: L, 7-1 (Record: 0-1) Next Game: 3/4, 6:40 pm
2 Responses
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Sounds like your main duty there is to get thrown to the ground. Do you get extra points for getting beat up alot.
Sadly, no. Maybe brownie points?