I swear this isn’t a commercial.
A few months back I heard of this beta social networking site called fitocracy, where you could put in your work outs, earn points, and level up (yes, it’s a role playing game based on exercise, but both of which are relevant to my interests, so shush). Unfortunately the site was (and still is) invite only, so I put my e-mail in, waited, and then kind of forgot about it.
Until this morning.
Yep, I opened up my gmail this morning to find an invite to join the site. I jumped on it and started inputting my workouts to start earning points (thankfully I went to the gym for the first time since Christmas last night, so I actually had some something with which to start out), and am already up to level 5 (starting December 31st, that includes 4 miles running, two 50 minute karate classes – one tonight, 3 two minute stair runs – I run to the top of my building at work once a day to break up the sitting, and one trip to the gym last night) with 1 Achievement and 4 Quests completed. Being the type of person that I am (a compulsive collector), giving me a set of achievements to do that require a bunch of different physical tasks means that I’m going to be very sore over the next couple weeks.
Yes, it is self reporting. Yes, I could lie. No, I will not (another advantage of being the type of person that I am).
I was excited when I started, so I sent off invitations to a small group of people. I have 10 first-come-first-serve spots available (I could send out more than that, but I believe number 11 on gets put into the waiting queue), so if you are interested in one, let me know and I’ll send one your way.
Honestly, even if the points, achievements, and the like aren’t for you, it seems like a good way to track your exercising online and, since it has a database of exercises already, perhaps get some new ideas for your routine. I’m very much looking forward to it.
Weight: 240 (I don’t exactly trust the gym’s scale, but we’ll use it for a base) Max: 240 Min: 240
Yearly Mileage: 4 miles (+2)
Current Belt: White – Next Belt: Purple – Next Test Date: 1/7/12
Fitocracy Level: 5 (1871 points, 271/1000 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
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