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2012-366 Day 45 – Soccer Update

A while back you may remember that I signed up for a soccer league, and you may have been wondering what has become of it. Well, it turns out that a lot of people want to play soccer (surprising, huh?). So many people, in fact, that the league is filled past capacity and they had to set the season back a week just to get their hands around what was going on. So, rather than starting February 12th as planned (which is good, since I would have missed the first game because I was at Disneyland), the league got pushed back to starting on the 19th. We would all hear from our coaches by the Tuesday before, and they would let us know the time of our first game.

So I heard from my coach yesterday and he let us know how the powers that be decided to handle the overflowing league problem. There are going to be 2 concurrent leagues of eight teams, East and West (our league), each with it’s own champion. Unfortunately, since their are 16 teams and only 10 or 12 teams can play in the alloted time slots (I think it’s 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 pm, but they may be able to work 4pm) there will be byes and, yup, our team got a first week bye. I think I’ll get to play an actual soccer game someday!

I volunteered to play goalie and the offer was accepted, so I’m excited about that. I’ve always like playing goalie (mainly roller hockey and broomball before) as I actually enjoy having the pressure of being the last line of defense. It also means I get to use my hands (although I had to review the rules on that, and must remember not to make that my default). I will, of course, update with the results when I finally get to play my first game.

Weight: 233.4 Max: 240 Min: 233.4 Body Fat %: 24.7
Yearly Mileage: 23.2 miles
Current Belt: Purple – Next Belt: Orange – Next Test Date: 3/3/12
Fitocracy Level: 13 (16925 points, 325/3000 to next level) – ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , .

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