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2012-366 Day 39 – Dentist

First off, I remembered that I missed a movie yesterday, so if you want to go back and look, you’ll find it at the very bottom of the entry under the footer.

Jess and I have our dentist check ups today with the new guy (I had the joy of visiting him when I was diagnosed with the need for a double root canal last November and our old dentist had unceremoniously dropped us). I have no idea why a dentist would want to drop me as a patient, I’m a veritable dental gold mine (also a literal one, at least on the bottom back right). I’ve had at least four root canals and it is often joked that my teeth are more metal than natural now. I’m surprised I don’t get radio stations in my head.

While I do brush my teeth every night (I swear), I have a hard time bringing myself to do it in the morning, as I know I’m just going to eat something in a minute and undo it. I know, I know, that’s not how it works, but it’s the morning and I’m tired, so my brain accepts it. I’ve also suffered from some acid reflux in the past, and that’s been known to wear down your teeth rather quickly, so I may have had some help getting this way.

So we’ll see what the new guy says. Who knows, maybe I’ll escape relatively unscathed this time. It’s happened before (just not often).

Weight: 233.4 Max: 240 Min: 233.4 Body Fat %: 24.7
Yearly Mileage: 17 miles
Current Belt: Purple – Next Belt: Orange – Next Test Date: 3/3/12
Fitocracy Level: 12 (15505 points, 1655/2750 to next level) – ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , .

2 Responses

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  1. Jess said

    You escaped. I didn’t! We traded places!!

  2. Stephen said

    It’s all about flossing (brushing only covers 60% of your dental surfaces) and mouthwash with flouride AND without alcohol content. ACT makes a good one (ACT Total Care Anticavity Flouride Rinse).

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