You would think I’d eventually learn my lesson, that I tend to dive into things headlong once I’ve made up my mind to do it. That’s why I have my aforementioned issue running, that I start out too fast and don’t always leave enough for the finish. I had to moderate that using the run-walk method, and even then it took a while for my pride to catch up with my brain.
I have the same problem when restarting things as well. I mentioned yesterday that I would be restarting my workout routines today and I jumped back in full force. Two miles of interval running at lunch. Fitness class after school, with stair climbs, lunges, and light running for fifteen minutes, during which my calves almost gave out on the stairs a couple times. Various legs and ab exercises during the second half of class. Finally karate class tonight, where we worked on our kicks extensively, doing at least a hundred kicks. Needless to say, my legs are shot (although not as bad as they could be, I can still walk).
So, rather than spreading out all of this stuff over a couple days (which I kind of had during my light week and a half), I chose to go all out. Because that’s what I do, and how I work. Head out there, get it done, and worry about the consequences later. One day I’ll learn, perhaps, but, until then, at least I can recognize it and be prepared for the pain when I do something stupid.
Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 348.2 miles (+2 miles)
Softball Stats: Game 8 – 4/4 (1.000), 3 R, 2 RBI Season – 21/28 (.750), 5 2B, 14 R, 12 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1
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