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2012-366 Day 303 – Sick Day IV

Well, that wasn’t what I hoped for. The Half Marathon recap will have to wait a day because I spent most of today out of commission. Spent last night carving a pumpkin for a work contest today, which kept me up far later than I should have stayed up. After I finished carving, I ran out of steam and Jess finished putting it together. I woke up this morning and my lower back and left hamstring had seized up. Jess made arrangements to get the pumpkin to work, and I stayed in bed (seeing as I couldn’t move).

Jess sent me a picture of the final display from work (apparently we won the Director’s Award for the first time, after having won the People’s Choice award the last few years):

Sadly, I wish laying around in bed today stiff and sore was the biggest problem. Unfortunately around 4 a migraine kicked in (I understand they can be triggered at the end of high stress periods, which I suppose I finished this weekend). I usually get one once every year or two, but it is infrequent enough that it surprises me every time how annoying they are. I’ve been up for a couple hours now, the pain is mostly gone but the tension remains. Hopefully I can sleep some tonight and get back to normal tomorrow, but we’ll see.

Unrelated, but prayers for all those affected by super-storm Sandy.

Weight: 224 Loss: 16 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 343.1 miles
Softball Stats: Game 5 – 2/3 (.666), 2 2B, 1 R, 3 RBI Season – 17/24 (.708), 5 2B, 11 R, 10 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

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