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2012-366 Day 289 – Scared

This post was inspired by two things: 1) It is October, which means that everyone and their brother is advertising their Halloween mazes, haunts, and spooky events and 2) this site, which features pictures like this one:

Scared Bros 1

All of the pictures appear to be in the same location, and I’m not entirely certain what it is that jumps out at them during that momentary flash, but it appears to be a good one. It is also quite obvious that they are all there of their own volition at some sort of haunted house (it’s listed in the site, but I’m too lazy to go look it up). That is one thing I will never understand.

There are many people who like to be afraid, as obviously evidenced by the never-ending cavalcade of horror movies and the transformation of parts of Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm into horror mazes. As far as I can tell, they enjoy the rush of adrenaline that accompanies being afraid. I, as you can probably tell by now, am not one of those people.

There are two reasons that spring immediately to mind as to why this is the case. The first is my continual desire to be in control. I do not like not being able to do what I want, when I want. This also ties back into my dislike of roller coasters. Being strapped into a metal edifice for three minutes with no other options is not my idea of a good time (the other reason I dislike roller coasters is I hate the feeling of falling, which ties back into my dislike of being scared, as the feelings are similar to me). I associate fear with not being in control, and thus try to avoid it. The second reason is tied to the first, in that, due to my dislike for being out of control, I will not put myself in a mindset to be caught off guard in those situations. I’d have to imagine that my picture in this haunted house would be amusing in it’s own right, me standing there with my arms crossed because I’m not going to let them “get” me.

I’m not entirely certain why I am this way, but there you have it.

Weight: 226 Loss: 14 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 322 miles
Softball Stats: Game 5 – 2/3 (.667), 1 R, 1 RBI Season – 14/18 (.777), 3 2B, 9 R, 6 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , , .

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