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2012-366 Day 277 – Strained

I realized that it was bound to happen sooner or later, what I didn’t expect was to have two at once. Being overweight has its disadvantages and dangers, but losing that weight also has presents its own unique problems. In this case it seems that my ligaments are the current problem areas, as I’ve had two strained joints in the past two weeks. My right elbow was strained in a karate class last week and then certainly not helped by six softball games in two days this weekend (I was smart enough to minimize my arm usage by doing an every other inning rotation at second during the tournament and playing first base in our church league game). I tweaked the back of my left knee a couple of weeks ago, but really felt it after my fitness class yesterday.

I’ve shut my arm down since the weekend, and my leg down for the last day, outside of normal use. I’m pretty sure that I caught them early enough to avoid any long term issues, but I’ll probably take it easy for the rest of the week just to make sure. In the meantime I’ll try not to worry too much about the Half Marathon at the end of the month, I should be able to recover in time and not have lost a significant amount of fitness with a few days off.

Weight: 226 Loss: 14 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 307 miles
Softball Stats: Game 2 – 3/4 (.750), 3 R, 1 RBI Season – 6/7 (.857), 2 2B, 5 R, 2 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , .

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