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2012-366 Day 269 – Random Topics II

A random couple of days deserves a blog post of randomness. Only a few items this time though, as it has also been a busy couple of days.

I should have done this earlier, but my Godson Tristan is fundraising for his school and they are doing it all online. So if you have a minute (before Thursday, not sure if day or night), click through to and see if there’s anything you might like. Do it for the children . . . er, child . . . er, school and children.

Thought I would throw my two cents in on the Monday Night Football play (if you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry about it). I think that it’s pretty dumb to have replay and not be able to do something about not calling a penalty that is blatantly there for all the cameras and the entire world to see. Particularly when you are relying on inexperienced and under-qualified referees. And that was just the first bad call of two, the second one giving them an undeserved touchdown (simultaneous possession my butt). If I was an actual football fan, I would certainly boycott until the replacement referees were gone. A boycott on my part wouldn’t do much, since I don’t buy any NFL merchandise and only watch a minute or two of the games that are available on my cable plan without any additional charge. So we’ll just have to settle for a strongly worded paragraph.

Made a sad realization at work today. It’s performance review season, and we were discussing going through the process when it occurred to me that, regardless of how good my evaluation is (and it’s generally really good), there is no way I can get a raise with the state’s budget the way it is. Not only that, but even with the greatest review of all time, it’s still somewhat likely that I may be getting a pay CUT by the end of the year. Talk about your lack of incentive, I can’t imagine why state workers get a bad rap. It was very depressing to put two and two together today, and I can only hope that it doesn’t come to pass. If it does, I may be looking for a job where my efforts are properly rewarded and being good at your job doesn’t lead to making less money.

Weight: 226 Loss: 14 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 300.8 miles (+3.1 miles)
Softball Stats: Game 1 – 3/3 (1.000), 2 2B, 2 R, 1 RBI Season – 3/3 (1.000), 2 2B, 2 R, 1 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , , .

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