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2012-366 Day 239 – Birthday and Volleyball

Today is Jess birthday (Happy birthday my love!), but since the fall semester starts tomorrow and we needed to rest, pretty much all the festivities had been done by now. I got her the big birthday present a couple months ago (new phone) and we did her theme park birthday party last week (so we wouldn’t be burned out from doing to much the weekend before the semester). Add to that the fact that I had to oversee the volleyball championships today, and we didn’t get to do too much for her birthday. Since she’s so awesome, though, she understands, and we had a nice dinner at The Stand and then Menchies with our friends Michael and Crystal.

The volleyball finale went well, congratulations to Wierman’s team for winning the championship quite handily. (It also makes me fell better because we lost to them in the first round of playoffs.) I had forgotten one aspect of volleyball that always annoyed me since it didn’t happen last year due to my neck and shoulder problems: I always play better in the last couple pick up games and feel like I’m finally hitting my stride. Oh well, on to softball!

Weight: 228 Loss: 12 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 262.1 miles
Fitocracy Level: 25 ID: disciplev1

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