Everyone has places they like to be and places they would rather not be. I’ve always considered myself comfortable pretty much anywhere, with only dangerous areas and events I don’t want to be at really cranking up my discomfort level. I never really imagined that there would be a place that set me on edge just by being there.
That is, until I visited Humboldt. (Sorry, Fern. It’s not personal.)
I don’t know what it is about the area, but even before we parked I was already feeling uneasy. The various shops with occult themes didn’t help, but I think it was the politicizing of even simple stores like the salon with the current Iraqi death toll on the front door. Getting out of the car and seeing the groups of young men in the square cursing at each other and harassing passers by just made it worse. Their exchange with Brian, Dennis, and I (with Brian and Dennis sporting their big cameras):
Them: “Hey, you want to take our picture?”
Us: [ignoring them]
Guy 1: “Hey, do you guys have any weed?”
Guy 2: “They have cameras, of course they have weed.”
Us: [walking away] (Okay, I guess it was kind of a one sided exchange.)
I think I still have a bit of a buzz from those gentlemen. There’s a place for everyone, but there’s also places some people just don’t fit in. I think I found one of mine.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 207.1 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 4-1 (9-6 Game Record)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1
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