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2012-366 Day 196 – Weekend Wrap Up XIII

This upcoming week’s updates will be at varied times, as it’s summer vacation time for us. I’m sure you’ll get much more information than you would ever want on that soon enough, but let’s take a look back at the previous week’s topics.

Sunday (7/8) – Volleyball Game 4: My team will be going into battle without me tomorrow, wishing them the best of luck. I don’t think we’ve had the full team for any single week so far, but I’d rather that be the case now at the beginning and middle rather than right before playoffs. We have a good team, and I’m looking forward to playing everyone again next week.

Monday (7/9) – Motivation: We’ve moved past this, haven’t we? Thanks again for reading.

Tuesday (7/10) – Regrouping: I think I mentioned this towards the beginning of this project, but if there are any topics that you would like me to tackle please drop me a line (comment, email, whatever). While I can generally think of something, I wouldn’t mind getting to something other people are interested in.

Wednesday (7/11) – Work IV: I realized when I went to write this one that I had two Work topics before starting Work II, so I went back and renumbered the sequence so it’s correct now. I’m certain that’s more for my benefit than yours, but I’m sure someone else appreciates it. Again, while I do like my job, I am looking forward to getting away from it for a week, as it’s been particularly busy recently.

Thursday (7/12) – Rave Reviews II: This post had seven spam responses in the first day. Touche, spammers, touche. All of them were of the random comment followed by a link variety, and this was my favorite one:
“your words are good, but somewhat confusing, if you can explain them better, it would be great. [link removed]”
Which words exactly would you like me to explain better? Isn’t that what a dictionary is for?

Friday (7/13) – San Diego Comic-Con: Jess has been watching the panels from a side event that has sprung up around Comic-Con, Nerd HQ. These panels take place outside of the Con and feature ticketed seating and no moderators, just an hour or so of question and answer on the topic or with the person in question. Honestly, this does appeal to me more than the Con experience (except for missing some of the shopping part) and the parts that Jess have shown me have been pretty funny and/or enlightening.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 207.1 miles (+6 miles)
Volleyball Match Record: 3-1 (7-5 Game Record, -4 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , .

2 Responses

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  1. cathy said

    I think you should write us short stories since this is supposed to be a writing exercise for you. 🙂 oh Yah and I do follow your posts regularly, just not always commenting. Keep’em coming.

  2. cathy said

    Lol love the spammers comments! Put stuff in air qoutes, then maybe they’ll get it.

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