Late post today because I spent my time at work preparing for not being there next week. Some last minute things came up, so the update got pushed to the end of the day (although surely not the latest I’ve ever posted). Anyhow, on to the topic at hand: Comic-Con.
I’ve actually been to the San Diego Comic-Con a couple of times, although we’re nearing a decade since my last visit (I believe it was 2004). Honestly, as things have progressed there, I’m less and less inclined to go back. I won’t be so hipster as to say that the encroachment of the big movie studios into the nerd realms have ruined the experience, because I really enjoy some of the movies that they put out (Dark Knight Rises is almost here!). Unfortunately, with the huge influx of big movie bucks comes massive amounts of people, as more and more want to see what’s coming out and getting crammed into a convention center that hasn’t changed size since I was there last. It was crowded then, and it’s only gotten more crowded since. I have been following vicariously through several websites and twitter, and these two pictures really validated my decision to stay away.
ThinkGeek’s (@thinkgeek) Timmy shows you the tiny ant-like creatures in line on Friday (that’s the line that I would see on Saturdays at worst when I went).
From Big Bang Theory producer Bill Prady (@billprady), these people crammed the floor waiting for a panel.
Speaking of waiting for panels, there are quite a few that I would be interested in, but Comic-Con’s first come first served methodology leads to some pretty unsavory tricks and a lot of wasted time if you want to go to a popular one. Even one of the Mythbusters (Grant Imahara – @grantimahara) had to pull strings to get into the Firefly panel, a show that has been off the air for years but has a loyal following. His tweet: “Used my @Discovery and @ScienceChannel connections to get into the jam-packed ‪#Firefly‬ panel…”
So, in short, too many people and too few connections equals an experience that I am not going to go out of my way to have. As with most people who write posts like this, I certainly wouldn’t say no if the opportunity to go fell in my lap though. I highly recommend the surrounding Gaslamp Quarter when it’s not Comic-Con time, it’s a lovely area to take a walk in.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 201.1 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 3-1 (7-5 Game Record, -4 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1
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