Whew, what a day. After overhauling our printer system a couple weeks ago, this week it’s the Photo ID system’s turn. Everything is working well and on schedule, we got the equipment and software staged today and will install it and do training tomorrow morning. We have some mobile units now that I’ll have to get playing nice with our servers, but that can wait until after the regular system is in place.
Thanks for sticking with me after yesterday, I’m feeling a lot better and can mostly chalk my feelings yesterday up to fatigue and a case of being too open with those feelings. I appreciate the kind feedback since, and, yes, sparring yesterday did help to get some of it out (the rest of it fell out as I was running away from the other five students in the class, all black belts). As Jess said yesterday, every blogger feels like this (but I am not like every other blogger! Okay, maybe more than I care to admit), but I’m definitely going to attempt not inflicting it on you again (seeing as I made it over halfway, we’ll just call it my mid-blog crisis and move on. Wait, does that mean I get a convertible?).
That being said, I certainly learned some lessons from this experience. First, controversial religious topics are not best served by off the top daily blog posts, and my friend just wanted to let me know that there were a couple places where poor phrasing (or just plain wrong usage of words) could possibly be interpreted in a bad light by non-charitable people (but all my readers are charitable, right?). We had a great talk and it really helped clear some things up for me. Do not, however, look for anymore off the top of my head posts like that (and the people rejoiced, “Yay!”). Second, I need to put a bit more effort into the blog to make it more interesting. As it currently stands, there’s a bit of slice of life, with a bit of topical blogging, and some other nonsense, but I definitely want to make it more engaging. Why write a post everyday if no one wants to read it?
So, again, thank you for reading and taking this journey with me. It’s one I intend to see through to the end, and I look forward to trying to make it a better experience for us all.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 197.6 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 3-1 (7-5 Game Record, -4 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1
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