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2012-366 Day 190 – Volleyball Game 4

Sadly, today we were undermanned an outgunned, and dropped all three games to one of the teams on our heels (now passed us). Two of our top three guys were out of town today, and we were only playing with 5 players, so there was just too much space for the ball to find on the court. I’ll actually be out of town next weekend, missing my only game of the season (although I believe the rest of the team will be there), so we’ll see how they do without me (probably just fine, I’m sure).

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 194.6 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 3-1 (7-5 Game Record, -4 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 22 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , .

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