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2012-366 Day 18 – SOPA/PIPA and the Blackout

Tried looking for anything on Wikipedia today? What are SOPA and PIPA? Why are all these sites censoring and blacking out today? What can you do to help? Long story short, there are two bills, one in the House (SOPA – Stop Online Piracy Act) and one in the Senate (PIPA – Protect IP Act) which both could give broad powers to people who shouldn’t have them, allowing them to shut off websites if there is content they don’t like (or think they might own). I’m going to step out of the way today and give you some links to read information more important than mine from people who know more about it than I do, so read on for more info and what you can do.

ARTICLE: A technical examination of SOPA and Protect IP
ARTICLE: How PIPA and SOPA Violate White House Principles Supporting Free Speech and Innovation.
ARTICLE:Confessions Of A Hollywood Professional: Why I Can’t Support the Stop Online Piracy Act.
ARTICLE: How Copyright Industries Con Congress.

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