A hard fought set of back and forth games (25-21, 30-32, 25-19) left us as the only undefeated team remaining (the other two fell today), with our only game loss coming on a 32-30 marathon. I’m very happy with my team and how we play together, and they seem to reflect my standard levelheadedness quite nicely. Personally, I’m fairly happy with my play, especially in a couple of areas. In serving, I’ve been extremely consistent and served the final seven points in our first (25-21) win. In hustle plays, I’ve gotten to three balls in two games (two week one, one today) that saved points and allowed us to come back from a deficit to eventually win the game.
Actually, I feel that my team pretty accurately reflects my volleyball skill set, with only a couple of hitters (probably the weakest part of my game), good passers, and excellent servers. There’s also a good amount of hustle and heart. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season, where we hopefully won’t duplicate last year’s results of getting first place in the regular season and bumped in the first round of playoffs.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 183.5 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 3-0 (7-2 Game Record, +17 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 22 ID: disciplev1
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