Weird title, huh?
There’s a snazzy interactive map someone made that shows where all the current major league players were born (you can check it out here). After poking around to see who the four people were that were born in Europe, the one born in Taiwan, the couple that were born in Australia, and the two that were born in Anchorage (Aaron Cunningham and Daniel Schlereth, Sarah), I decided to move to the mainland and see if anyone was born in the city where my dad’s parents live and where I spent my summers as a kid, Grand Junction, CO.
I moved to the US and clicked on around where Colorado should be and . . . bam, first try.
Yup, at that scale with all those dots, the first one I clicked was the right place. Yes, I am proud of myself, why do you ask?
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 175.5 miles (+3 miles)
Fitocracy Level: 21 ID: disciplev1
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I don’t know how many people we’re talking about, but to me that even distribution is pretty amazing.