So I did three fitness related things during my lunch break today: took a long walk, picked up my winnings from the campus fitness challenge, and enrolled in the campus gym for the summer. Now those of you keeping track may notice that I know have memberships in two gyms concurrently, we’ll get into why that is in a moment.
I think one of the keys to staying active is to have diversity in the things you do. The more different ways you have of staying active, the less likely you will become bored of them. For example, while I was participating in the campus fitness challenge, I was able to max my time everyday because I wasn’t always doing the same thing. I played soccer on Sundays, ran several days a week, played ultimate Frisbee twice a week, did karate a couple times a week, and then filled in walking when appropriate. I plan to follow a similar routine during the summer, except replace soccer with volleyball, and add gym workouts after karate (at the first gym) and running inside when necessary (at the campus gym, which has an indoor track as running on the treadmill has become uncomfortable after my neck and shoulder issues). Now, once I decide to be disciplined when eating out again, I should be in good shape.
Running the same routes over and over again can get boring for me, but by mixing things up, I can stay active and always have something exciting to look forward to. Since I paid up front, I now have a gym available to me at work and close to home for less than 25 dollars a month (a figure that will drop closer to 15 dollars a month once the semester starts and fee waiver kicks in), so I’m not going to complain. The only thing I’m really missing is camaraderie, and I can tell you from Ragnar that it makes hard things much easier. I think I may start picking some fun runs and seeing if anyone wants to do them with me, but we’ll wait until we’re past the wedding/baby season to think about that.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 172.5 miles (+4 miles)
Fitocracy Level: 21 ID: disciplev1
2 Responses
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Wannabe ancient greeks mock your puny “fun runs:”
Actually, that’s one of the “fun runs” I was considering, that or the Warrior Dash.