So today marks the seventh anniversary of marriage to my beautiful wife, Jess. I am so blessed to have her as my wife and companion in life, she does so much for me and loves me so well. As the title of the website says, we often feel we are the only two people each other could be with.
Since our anniversary is so close to Christmas, we generally forgo any large gifts and instead spend a day together (although again, due to the proximity to Christmas, it may not actually be on our anniversary). Since our anniversary was on a Sunday this year, and we were not scheduled in advance, I decided to take our trip today. How did we celebrate? Well, rather simply, but for a brief review, read on.
The plans I made didn’t require us to leave until 1, so we went to the early service at church and then figured out who would be available for our usual after-church lunch. Keith and Cathy were able to, and Dan and Vicki could join us after they help with the worship for the kids at the late service, so we all got to enjoy some Senor Sol (so good!). We said our goodbyes and headed home quickly to gather ourselves.
I determined since we generally head south for our trips, this time we would head north, and targeted Santa Barbara. I saw a commercial for The Artist the night before and remembered Jess wanted to see that (and it would probably be gone from theaters soon), so I looked to see if any theaters in Santa Barbara were playing it. Fortunately, one still was and had a showing at 4pm (which is why we didn’t have to leave until 1). We got to Santa Barbara and I aimed for downtown, figuring we could walk around for a bit and then figure out where the theater was from there. Turns out the theater was downtown and just a few blocks from where we parked.
A quick aside on The Artist, a black and white silent movie set in the late 1920s – early 1930s. I found the movie to be quite well done, although it did drag a little in the middle. I also found, and Jess told me she had the opposite feelings on this, so YMMV, that it took a lot more concentration and energy for me to watch than a regular movie. I almost felt I couldn’t blink, as I didn’t want to miss any potential story points (also I found out I’m only middling at reading lips). In all, though, despite the fact that I wanted to slap the main character a couple times, it was a very good movie. End aside.
After the movie, we turned to our good friend Yelp to help find us a dinner location. Jess was in the mood for Italian and after finding several VERY crowded places on State Street that weren’t quite what we were looking for, we got the car and drove to the edge of downtown to a pizzeria attached to a fancy Italian place that was quite good. We enjoyed some bread with olive oil and garlic, an antipasto, and margherita pizza with an extremely thin crust. We then headed back and got some Menchies for dessert before returning home.
In all, a wonderful day with a wonderful woman, and I hope to enjoy many more anniversaries with her.
Weight: 236.4 Max: 240 Min: 236.4 Body Fat %: 24.9
Yearly Mileage: 6.5 miles
Current Belt: Purple – Next Belt: Orange (Blue?) – Next Test Date: 3/12
Fitocracy Level: 7 (5471 points, 121/1750 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
2 Responses
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Glad you had a good time
Glad we got to do lunch with u on your anniversary