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2012-366 Day 148 – Weekend Wrap Up VII

Went to church this morning, then a nice Memorial Day BBQ and a relaxing evening with Jess (with a run thrown in for good measure). After having a great weekend so far, we get to top it off with a day off tomorrow, so life is good.

Monday (5/21) – Bachelorette Party (or Secret Project IV): Assuming you have read this post for me to update you on it, you’ve already had more than enough information on the project.

Tuesday (5/22) – Lakers: Okay, with the final four basketball teams that has been assembled, it’s a little sad that I’m rooting for either of the two Western Conference teams to win (seeing as the two Eastern teams are Boston – boo – and Miami – blech – I’m guessing you can see why). I’m actually okay with either Oklahoma City or San Antonio winning it, the young guns getting their first or the old guard closing out their last stand.

Wednesday (5/23) – Technology Upgrades: LOVING the new setup, although Sprint should really be paying me to try new phones as I keep selling other people on my phones. This one is no different, I’ve really enjoyed it so far, though I’m still customizing it.

Thursday (5/24) – Technology Burnout: Another nice thing about being me, technology burnout never lasts long . . .

Friday (5/25) – Originality: I enjoyed writing that post. Going to have to find some more abstract concepts to hold court on.

Saturday (5/26) – Birthday Party: Thanks Fern and Cathy for your comments, glad you guys had fun! I definitely had a blast. Sorry the cat tried to passively kill you Fern.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 168.5 miles (+3.5 miles)
Fitocracy Level: 20 (51182 points, 168 to next level) – ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , .

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