As I have often said in the past couple years, “I love living in the future.” My new Touchpad tablet (thanks for the awesome birthday gift, sweetie!) arrived yesterday and I’ve already put Android 4 on it, which is running great. My new phone should be in my hands tomorrow as well, also running Android 4. I’ll probably wait a little while to hack it, but hack it I shall. I look forward to integrating them into my routine and seeing what niches they fill, where the tablet takes over for the phone or desktop and what roles the phone and desktop retain. I will also point out that the Touchpad and the phone combined came out to less than a new iPad (although the phone did require re-upping the cell phone contract, but I was paying that already anyway). I’ll let you know what happens with them.
Just got the email that we officially won second place in the campus health contest (which nets us each a $75 dollar Mastercard gift card), so there’s that.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 162 miles
Fitocracy Level: 20 (49390 points, 1960 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
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