It’s that time of the (every two) year(s) again, where I start looking at upgrading my phone (well, I’ve actually been looking to upgrade for at least six months now, but was waiting for Sprint to get a phone with the latest version of Android . . . nerd talk, nerd talk, nerd talk . . . and they’re finally out this month). I always tell people that my cell phone is one of the places where I buy top of the line because it’s an item that I use everyday (although, oddly enough, not for calling people), and I’m willing to invest more upfront to ensure high quality throughout my experience with the phone. In fact my current phone still works quite well, although the internal memory is pretty close to full and I did have to do a full body transplant on it when I dropped it down the stairs.
I had initially set my heart on the Galaxy Nexus, as it was the first announced Android 4.0 phone that Sprint was coming out with. It had already been released on two other carriers, but the announcement was at the end of last year and it’s just now coming out. Should I wait until the 18th, however, HTC’s answer will come out, with a faster processor, better camera, and better resolution, although it won’t have direct updates from Google like the Nexus and has an altered version of the operating system that many regard as inferior?
Who am I kidding, they both cost the same, we know what I’m going to pick here. To quote Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor, “More power!” I can always root it and put the stock operating system on anyway, as soon as someone puts it out there (the joys of being a techie).
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 145 miles
Fitocracy Level: 20 (47241 points, 4109 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
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