It became readily apparent to me around 10 pm last night that, after having a crazy Friday and Saturday doing Ragnar and coming back Sunday to a soccer game, I was going to be needing another day to rest and recover. So I took today off, hung out with Jess this morning (who likewise could use a day of rest, but also could use the afternoon to get ahead on the multitude of projects she has to accomplish for all our friends and families various wedding and baby events coming up), went and saw Hunger Games this afternoon while Jess went shopping (it was pretty much what I expected, which is to say I wasn’t overly impressed. Am mildly curious where it goes, but not enough to read the books), went grocery shopping with Jess, and then spent the evening at home. Just watched the Dodgers win, so that’s good. Now I’ll put together the Ragnar entries I promised and then get back to my recovery.
Weight: 231 Loss: 9 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 124 miles
Fitocracy Level: 19 (41622 points, 3728 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
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