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2012-366 Day 113 – Soccer Game 7

Well, if you’re going to go out on a loss, might as well go out on an interesting note. Okay, definitely don’t want to go out that way, but that’s what happened. It took me a while to get into the flow of the game (can’t imagine why) and an early screw up that lead to a goal along with one I should have got if I had just got my leg out a little further. We went into halftime down 7-3, and I ended it on a bad note by getting frustrated and taking my first shot of the season from three quarters of the way across the field rather than passing it. I settled down before the second half determined to do better.

A couple early goals in the second half got us back into the game pretty quickly. I was able to make several good saves and keep us in the game, which is weird since I should have been more tired after Ragnar. The only goal they got by me going into the final minutes was one that glanced off my ear and we were all tied up at 8-8. At some point one of our goals got miscounted as a single point when it should have been two (being on the other side of the field, I don’t know exactly when this happened. I found out after the game). A penalty at the other end of the field with a minute and five seconds left caused a lot of confusion, and our captain called timeout. Upon resumption of the game, we had several good attempts, but the scorekeeper didn’t start the clock. In fact, it took a good 45 seconds to a minute for the clock to be started, and naturally the other team got a breakaway with 20 seconds left that I ran out on, got a piece of, but couldn’t get it far enough away and they put the rebound in.

So if either the clock works or the goal is counted correctly, we tie. If both are correct, we win. The only combination that results in a loss is what happens. Probably a fitting end to my soccer career, as I definitely won’t be playing in the fall due to Rocky Peak Sports commitments, and will probably stick to volleyball and softball from now on. I had a lot of fun and am extremely grateful to my team for putting up with my learning curve. I made some good progress, but have a long way to go before actually being good.

Soccer was a fun experience and I’m glad to have had it. I can look forward to volleyball starting in the summer now. I’ll put together the Ragnar entries from my Facebook posts tomorrow, so you can look forward to that.

Weight: 231 Loss: 9 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 124 miles (+19.8 miles)
Fitocracy Level: 19 (41622 points, 3728 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: L, 8-9 (Final Record: 2-5)

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